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11.08.2019 | LIUGONG & XCMG Parts | Catalog


柳工根据用户的不同需求,在现有的基础配置上增加了各种选配系统,形成了不同的 15 位代码机型,每一个15 位代码表示一个机型。比如“64F01390001B000”中的前七位代码“64F0139”代表基础配置,表明了机器的发动机、桥、箱、工作系统等信息,后八位代码则代表了机器的各种选装配置,包括空调、冷启动、铭牌、空滤的预滤、尾气净化、集中润滑、保险杠、警示灯、蜂鸣器、称重系统、音响系统、各类斗、岩石斗、抱叉、侧卸等。

请您向柳工经销商咨询购买本机器的15 位代码,或者从机器提货单上获得机器的15 位代码和机器配置信息,例如15 位代码:64F01430001B001,机器配置 :CLG855 装/潍柴/柳工桥箱/空调/3 方斗。

另外,在本页“关于选配件的说明”章节中将与您机器15 位代码相同的信息项使用水笔特别注明出来,或打勾注明。您使用的零件图册,集合现有基础配置下的该机型所有选装配置,因此该图册可能包含多个不同的15 位代码机型,正确认识您购买机器的15 位代码,今后对您机器的维修保养工作带来方便。

本图册为 CLG835 轮式装载机配置东康柴油机的综合零件图册,其中注有(选配)字样的系统图为标准配置以外的系统图。如果用户购买了标准配置以外的机型,则选择选配的系统取代标准配置的相应系统。


1、 本图册零件号不加注“选配”字样的配置为标准配置,适用于本手册的标准配置CLG835 装/东康/柳工桥提速箱/空调/E 牌/1.7 方斗(62F00250001B001)。

2、 整机配置为CLG835装/东康/柳工桥提速箱/空调/E牌/警示灯/1.7方斗(62F00250004B001)的装载机,新增“46C1767 旋转警示灯总成”;系统下挂的零部件同时取代相应系统下挂零部件。其余系统同标准配置。

3、 整机配置为CLG835装/东康/柳工桥提速箱/无氟/E牌/派克阀/1.7方斗(62F00250005B001)的装载机,
使用“11E0340 工作液压系统”取代“11E0097 工作液压系统 ”,
使用“20E0196 行车制动系统”取代“20E0143 行车制动系统”,
使用“30E0289 前车架总成”取代“30E0253 前车架总成”。

4、 整机配置为CLG835装/东康/柳工桥提速箱/空调/E牌/三联阀/货叉/1.7快换斗(62F00290001B001)的装载机,
使用“11E0308 工作液压系统”取代“11E0097 工作液压系统”,
使用“30E0274 前车架总成”取代““30E0253 前车架总成”,
使用“32E0346 工作装置限位系统”取代“32E0418 工作装置限位系统”,
新增“32E0343 快换装置”,
新增“43C0388 快换平叉”。

5、 整机配置为CLG835 装/东康/柳工桥提速箱/空调/E 牌/派克三联阀/φ600 叉/1.7 方斗
使用“11E0384 工作液压系统”取代“11E0097 工作液压系统 ”,
使用“ 30E0334 前车架总成”取代“30E0253 前车架总成”,
新增“32E0189 装卸叉系统(φ600)”,
新增“00C0883 抱叉管路”。


每个7 位零件号后面的3 位扩展号代表了机器零部件持续改进的过程。柳工销售文件在2007 年9 月份之后对产品零件图册中的零件号增加了3位扩展号,例如“00E0236 002”中“00E0236”代表该零部件的零件号,“002”代表改进版本。扩展号不同而零件号相同的零部件可能会存在微小的改进,这些改进可能会对你的装配带来一些影响。在对零部件进行定货过程中向柳工经销商报零件号+扩展号,会对你的零部件装配有帮助。


How to use the part catalog

All kinds of optional attachments based on current standard configuration are added and form different 15 codes model according to the customers’ requirements, every 15 codes is a machine model.

For example, the first seven codes of “64F01390001B000”is standard configuration, show the engine、axle、transmission、operating system ect,after eight code of it show various optional attachments including of the air conditioner, starting aids, Nameplate, pre-filter, exhaust gas purifying, centralized lubrication, bumper, beacon, buzzer, counterweight system, sound system, various buckets, rock bucket, loggiNg fork, side dump ect.

Consult with your Liugong dealers for the machine 15 codes what you will buy or get 15 codes and configuration information from machine bill.

For example, 64F01430001B001,configuration:CLG855 Wheel loader/Weichai power/Liugong axle & transmission/air conditioner/3m3 bucket.

In addition,sign the special marks of machiNe 15 codes information in the section of optional configuration in this page by the dealers. The part catalog what you use aggregates all optional configurations based on current standard configuration,so this part catalog consists of many different 15 codes machine models. Know correctly 15 codes of machiNe what you buy to be convenient at maintenance and service.

Optional configuration instruction

This part catalog is an integrate part catalog which configures CLG835 wheel loader DongFeng Cummins power. the system chart signed optional is except of standard configuration. the customers should choose the optional instead of corresponding standard configuration if they buy other configuration machines.

Read this section,the following information each item shows a machine model. read the item 1 if you buy standard configuration machine;read relative information of your machine except for item1 if you buy other configurations machines.

1、The part Number Not marked OPTIONAL is standard configuration,this part catalog’s stanndard configuration is CLG835 Wheel loader/ DongFeng Cummins power/LIUGONG axle & transmission/R134a air conditioner/E PLATE/1.7m3 bucket(62F00250001B001)。

2、Configuration as CLG835 Wheel loader/ DongFeng Cummins power/ LIUGONG axle & transmissioN/R134a air conditioner/E PLATE/ warning light/1.7m3 bucket(62F00250004B001)

“46C1767 ROTATING BEACON ASSEMBLY”are newly add;The system assembly chaNges, the parts attached this assembly chaNges at the same time.

For example, B assembly replaces A assembly, the parts C attached B assembly replaces the correspoNdiNg parts D attached A assembly.Other systems see staNdard coNfiguration.

3、 Configuration as CLG835 Wheel loader/ DongFeng Cummins power/ LIUGONG axle & transmission/no FREON air conditioner/E plate/ Parket valve/1.7m3 bucket

uses“11E0340 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM” instead of “11E0097 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ”,
uses“20E0196 BRAKE SYSTEM” instead of “20E0143 BRAKE SYSTEM ”,
uses “30E0289 FRONT FRAME ASSEMBLY” instead of “30E0253 FRONT FRAME

The system assembly changes, the parts attached this assembly changes at the same time.
For example, B assembly replaces A assembly, the parts C attached B assembly replaces the
correspondiNg parts D attached A assembly.Other systems see standard configuration.